Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting Started with Relationship Marketing Part 2

Getting Started with Relationship Marketing Part 2

Customer service training is one of the first steps to relationship marketing. Relationship marketing is all about customer retention. The best way to retain customers is to have great customer service whether you are the sole employee or you have a complete staff.

As previously mentioned, if you’re outsourcing your customer service tasks you’ll want to be sure to train your staff to follow the relationship marketing methods that you’re using in your business. You want to have consistency across the board in the customer service being provided to your clients.

Give your customer service staff plenty of resources to work with. Go over examples of situations that might come up and how to handle them. Provide them with FAQ’s and outlines to follow in the most common cases. If you’re doing most of your customer service via email be sure to provide them with email templates to use in their correspondence. This way nothing gets left out.

It’s also a good idea to make yourself available to your staff in case things come up that they can’t handle right away. You never know when a new problem is going to crop up or a site might throw errors. It’s also quite handy to provide them with the contact information for your maintenance person if you’re not handling site maintenance yourself. This way if the site throws an error or a problem crops up within the programming they can contact you right away, or better yet go straight to the maintenance person to have it taken care of in a speedy fashion.

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